
Would you like to have your current website checked for small writing errors, in order to appear even more professional in the eyes of your customers? 

We offer proofreading from € 0,013 per word!

For proofreading, it is of the utmost importance that the current translation of your website is already of excellent quality! It should therefore already have been translated by a native translator/writer or person with a good command of the language, and not by a machine. It is also important that the text to be proofread is 100% substantively correct. 

When proofreading, we check the text for small writing and typographical errors, but we do not compare the substance with the source text or completely re-write the content. Proofreading, therefore, is simply an extra pair of eyes to check the written text once more and, where needed, make small corrections.

To ensure that we offer proofreading of excellent quality and that texts are correctly interpreted, we only work with proofreaders for whom the text to be proofread is in their native language.

 If you don’t need a complete new translation but don’t think your current website text is good enough for simple proofreading, take a look at our revision options.

How we work

When you send us a text or a website link requesting a no-obligation quotation, we will respond by return. We will check that the quality of your (website) text is sufficient for simple proofreading. If this proves not to be the case, we will see if a revision may be a better option! If the text is suitable for proofreading, you can submit it to us for instance in Word or Excel, or we can proofread the content directly from your website.

Each customer is assigned a fixed person to contact regarding all their questions about the proofreading process.

Delivery and Rates

In most cases, we are able to deliver proofreading of documents of up to 5,000 words in all requested languages within 2 working days. Do you need your proofreading done more quickly? No problem: we can usually find a solution to meet your deadline! Obviously, the speed of the proofreading will be directly dependent on the complexity of the text.

In addition, we offer all our clients, up to 100,000 words, a risk-free payment on delivery. We do this to guarantee our quality and keep our clients satisfied. This way, we can be sure that you are happy with the work we have produced before we receive payment. It also means that you can rely on the fact that we will do everything to deliver the quality we promise and which you are looking for! 

NOTE: For translations of general terms and conditions or contracts, we make use of a translator with a legal background and/or sufficient knowledge of such work.  We however do not offer certified legal translations. 

For further information or a no-obligation quotation, please contact us.