
Do you have information that you would like to place on your website, but for which you haven’t yet written the text? We would be happy to take this out of your hands! 

We offer blogwriting from € 0,058 per word! 

Blogwriting means that the writer will completely write the required Blog for you! Of course, we will need some information from you to do this:

  • The subject: what would you like us to write about?
  • Maybe you have photos, videos, a current short description, specs, facilities etc. relating to the subject of the blog?
  • We would also like to know the maximum number of words you would like the blog to consist of.

So that we can offer blogs that are of excellent quality and to ensure that the blogs are interpreted correctly, we only work with writers for whom the text to be written is in their native language, and alongside this we always use a proofreader at no extra cost to you. The second proofreader is a second native writer who checks the work of the writer once more for possible typographical errors and correct interpretation, enabling us to offer the most accurate, highest-quality text to our customers.

As a rule, and where this meets your preferred deadline, we use one writer for each task to ensure that the writing style of the documents or the website content remains consistent. Utilising one writing style can be very beneficial for your SEO! Utilising multiple writers per language is, however, possible if required.

If you would like to be reassured of the quality of what we provide, we can offer you a free small sample text (maximum 250 words) of a piece of writing of your choice, composed by various blogwriters. In this way, you can be assured in advance that both the quality and the writing style of the blogwriter meet your requirements. Every blogwriter has their own style of writing, and this way we can make sure in advance that the correct blogwriter has been assigned to the task!

Of course, we can also translate your blog into every requested language at rates starting from € 0,039 per word, once blogwriting is complete. For more information, have a look at our translation options.

How we work

When you request a no-obligation quotation for blogwriting from us, we will respond by return. So that we can send as accurate a quotation as possible, we would of course like to receive some information from you in advance about the subject you would like us to write about, the maximum number of words and any specific requests or wishes that you may have. You can send the information you would like us to write about in either Word or Excel, or we can gather the information directly from your website.

Each customer is assigned one fixed person they can contact regarding all their questions about the blogwriting process.

Delivery and Rates

In most cases, we are able to deliver texts of up to 1,000 words in all requested languages within 2 working days. Do you need your text written more quickly? No problem: we can usually find a solution to meet your deadline! Obviously, the speed will be directly dependent on the complexity of the text.

In addition, we offer all our clients, up to 100,000 words, a risk-free payment on delivery. We do this to guarantee our quality and keep our clients satisfied. This way, we can be sure that you are happy with the work we have produced before we receive payment. It also means that you can rely on the fact that we will do everything to deliver the quality we promise and which you are looking for! 

For further information or a no-obligation quotation, please contact us.